ALLPARAMETERS LIMITED is a translation company. In the literal meaning of translation, we bring across the message from one language to the other. In the figurative sense, we unite cultures in the form of words to erase the language barriers between them. Our vision is simple, to see two different language users understand each other. The key to communication is simplicity. And that is our aim, not to be plain, not to be dull but to be able to find the simple, right words that can be appreciated by the reader. This is what our translators are hired and trained for: the balancing act of translating words that are both simple and attractive to the reader without losing the original meaning of the text. There are two ways to translating, the source text and the target text. We move from one world to the other, between the origin and the destination. As we are a professional translation company, we put our mindset in the source text to be able to understand it and shift it to the mindset of the target text that they would be able to understand it in their own language. That is the humble offering of our translation services.