503 Service Temporarily Unavailable American Refugee Committee is and always has been about amazing global citizens taking action to change our world. More than 35 years ago, Chicago businessman Neal Ball started ARC. He recruited a volunteer relief team who deployed to the Thai-Cambodian border. Even in the face of terrible tragedy, that first ARC team was characterized by their incredible energy and belief that anything was possible.
Today, we<92>re facing challenging global humanitarian crises that require 21st Century solutions. But we<92>ve found that co-creating together with impassioned, dedicated people, limited only by their own imaginations, remains the key to designing new solutions that resonate. We still believe that ARC should exist, first and foremost, as a platform for realizing the goodwill of everyday people <96> people from Sweden to Somalia, Minnesota to Malaysia, Uganda to the U.S.
We<92>ve found that something incredible will result as long as we begin the journey with amazing people, agree on a destination and move together towards it transparently and open to possibility.