Description of services:
CAPITALIST | Shipping company Capitalist is a supply, shipping, and logistic company that links Chinese manufacturers with Rwanda Capitalist is a supply, shipping, and logistic company that links Chinese manufacturers with Rwandan; individuals, corporations, or businesses from small to big brands who want to buy or ship from china's mainland. through trusted and compacted stakeholders the company has stated around 2019. by Rwandan students who studied international business, e-commerce, and supply chains in ALIBABA BUSINESS SCHOOL through a Rwanda-china business agreement. to create trusted channels that facilitate the supply of different products to individuals, organizations, or corporations. including small and big industries. in professional and advanced models. capitalist now serves more than privileged customers of all sorts, whatever quantity or quality they need. Despite being started by a student capitalist also have more than 30 employees with more than twenty years of doing supply, shipping, and logistics business. some of them are Chinese by nationality. Capitalists have contracts with many suppliers and industries in the most popular production and trading cities of china. such as Guangzhou, Yiwu, Shenzhen, Ningbo...
Location/Address of business:
CHIK building, 86 KN 2 Ave, Kigali, Kigali, RwandaView Map
Business Website:
Business Phone/Mobile/Tel(s):
Phone Number Available
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