Description of services:
Compagnie Rwandaise d'Assurances et de R<e9>assurance au Rwanda(Rapidit<e9>, Qualit<e9> et Equit<e9>) CORAR AG LTD. provides insurance products for individuals, professionals, and enterprises. It offers motor, fire, travel, life, health and medical, and other risks insurance products. The company was founded in 2000 and is based in Kigali, Rwanda with additional branches in Kigali, Musanze, Huye, Rusizi, Ngoma, Rubavu, Muhanga, Nyamagabe, Gicumbi, Rusumo, and Gatuna, Rwanda. It operates satellite underwriting offices in Nyagatare, Kabarore, Kayonza, Rwamagana, and Kabaya. As of June 16, 2014, CORAR AG LTD. operates as a subsidiary of Saham Finances.
Location/Address of business:
Centenary House, 8 KN 4 Ave, Kigali, RwandaView Map
Business Website:
Business Phone/Mobile/Tel(s):
Phone Number Available
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