EDUfinder Consultants Ltd. We provide sincere and professional services to students who wish to study abroad ( CHINA,UK,USA,CANADA,CYPRUS,TURKEY,POLAND, UKRAINE, SOUTH KOREA...).
Our primary responsibility is to provide information about study abroad. We try our best to meet the dream of studying abroad and provide quality & affordable education programs through scholarship applications among the best worldwide universities.
We help students get admissions,Scholarships,Visa application assistance , arrange accommodation and travel matters. Our greatest strength is how we help prepare students for a meaningful degree, and our company has prepared for every possible way to increase the student's future success.
Study abroad is very important but unfamiliar environment and the pressure to study competition will bring many difficulties . This is why our company guides students to their studies, provides them with detailed information on the countries where they wish to study which helps them in life and makes their study abroad an unforgettable experience.
Location/Address of business:
Room 15,1st Floor, City Plaza,KN 2 ST,Kigali, Kigali, Rwanda