Finance International Centre - Finance International Centre Finance International Centre - Finance International Centre Finance International Centre is a consulting firm providing specialized consulting and training services in the field of Audit, microfinance, business development, microenterprise management, tax advisory, marketing and general trade. We strive to provide our partners with insights and analyses that can become the basis for practical product and service innovations. Finance International Centre was incorporated under the laws of the Republic of Rwanda in 2014. Its headquarters are located in Kigali, the capital city of Rwanda and has opened filed Office at Nyamasheke, in the Centre of Tyazo.
Finance International Centre was created with the purpose of providing consultancy services in Rwanda and outside. Finance International Centre has a big market share targeting SACCOs, Microfinance institutions in Rwanda, Cooperative organizations in various domains, Companies and individual business practitioners.
Finance International Centre is Lisensed as Auditor of Microfinance Institutions and Saccos by the Central Bank of Rwanda (BNR) and is in partnership with Child and Youth Finance International (CYFI), in financial education program;and with AMIR Consult Ltd (Association of Microfinance in Rwanda)in Training programs and Audit in Saccos and Microfinance institutions.