Description of services:
Inades-Formation <96> Servir le bien commun Serving the common good Inades-Formation Rwanda is a non-profit association of Rwandan law. Inades-Formation is the common name of <93>African Institute for Economic and Social Development <96> African Training Center<94>. Inades-Formation Rwanda was established in 1976. It was granted legal personality by Ministerial Decree No. 119 of 22 August 1977, revised by Ministerial Decree No. 75/11 of 18 April 2006. The mission of Inades <96> Training Rwanda is specified by its statutes: <93>To work for the social and economic advancement of Rwanda, especially through training activities, giving priority to rural populations<94>. The association is organized around the General Assembly which determines the general orientations. It currently consists of 27 members. The Board of Directors, composed of 7 members, is elected by the General Assembly for a three-year term. It develops strategies for implementing the guidelines and monitors the operation and management of the National Office. The 14-person executive team consists of trainers and administrative and support staff. Its task is to ensure the implementation of the orientations and strategies of the association.
Location/Address of business:
23VH+JR6, Bp. 866, Kigali, RwandaView Map
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Business Phone/Mobile/Tel(s):
Phone Number Available
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