Description of services:
Welcome to Magerwa Ltd Although the <93>magasins g<e9>n<e9>raux<94> concept has been known in other European countries since the 19th century, in France it was founded in 1848 to represent warehouses approved and under the control of Customs (in other words, customs bonded warehouses), in which all the industrial, tradesmen, farmers or craftsmen deposit raw materials or finished goods pending customs control.
In Rwanda, this institution appears in 1969 under the designation of <93>magasins g<e9>n<e9>raux du Rwanda s.a<94>: MAGERWA in acronym. The customs legislation envisaged three types of warehouses under the <93>magasins g<e9>n<e9>raux du Rwanda s.a<94>. These were created in the form of public warehouses. This type of warehouse has the advantage of facilitating customs control while maximizing the customs receipts.Magasins g<e9>n<e9>raux du Rwanda s.a (MAGERWA) is a company of Rwandan right, created in 1969 by Presidential Decree n<b0> 153/10 of July 10, 1969. It was founded as a Company Limited by Shares (S.A.R.L) and was later incorporated as a Public Limited Concern on March 27, 1998.
Location/Address of business:
KK 532 St, Bp. 380, Kigali, RwandaView Map
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