Rwanda - Tr<f3>caire Rwanda is one of the smallest and most densely populated countries in Africa. The country is still rebuilding after a devastating genocide in 1994 left over one million people dead. The country is still rebuilding after a devastating genocide in 1994 left over one million people dead. While Rwanda is now a peaceful country, the trauma of the genocide of the Tutsi people remains.
Despite economic progress, poverty remains widespread. Most people in Rwanda rely on farming to make a living. But climate change means they have to adapt how they farm.
Tr<f3>caire began working in Rwanda during the genocide. We have stayed ever since.
With your support, Tr<f3>caire is helping to build a brighter future for people in Rwanda. We help people earn better incomes and grow more food. We help women, men and young people become more resilient. We also help people overcome trauma and build a future of peace and hope.