NM_RTC Ltd <96> Excellent research, Strong evidence, Effective decisions NM_RTC) Ltd is a research consulting firm that also provides trainings and technical support to development workers and communities in areas of agricultural development, socio-economic development, and environmental and natural resources management. In NM_RTC Ltd, we use Computer Assisted Methods and ensure best quality by providing experienced teams and electronic equipment.
NM_RTC Ltd strives to develop and mobilize knowledge, expertise, and abilities to support sustainable development. We create high-impact knowledge to catalyze efficiency, effectiveness and accountability in private and public domains. We offer comprehensive research and consulting services to support business and policy decision making and analysis. We specialize in strategic planning and governance mechanisms for social, economic, and environmental monitoring and management. Our expertise extends beyond biophysical concerns to encompass social, cultural and economic dimensions of natural resource development and management. We emphasize practical results, quality services, and professional independence.
NM Research & Training Center (NM_RTC) Ltd is a company registered with the Rwanda Development Board (RDB) under Article 16 of Law No. 07/2009 of 27/04/2009 relating to companies in Rwanda as a Limited Company